Daniel Santos

Week 40, 2024

In professional terms, this week was one of the best in the year. For starters, I had one particularly significant talk with my boss, who helped me overcome some roadblocks I was facing with trying to implement an adapted version of the Lean Canvas methodology in our processes. I know lots of people who complain about their bosses, but I've got an amazing one, thankfully. He brought some light into this specific matter as he usually does when I need him.

Something else which also energized me at work this week was to be presented with two new challenges. Although I cannot reveal much about them, it'll suffice to say one of them has something to do with process mapping and structuring, while the other is related to data governance. Being part of the team where I'm currently working, I'm very lucky to be able to accept these challenges — and, of course, to learn from executing them along the way.

After some more days since acquiring an Obsidian Sync license, I have to admit I'm really enjoying its simplicity and the way it seems to simply work when it's needed. I honestly feel it's what was missing in my life and keeping me from writing more and taking more notes. There's still a couple of days ahead until the 7-day no questions asked money refund expires, but the way I see it, I'll keep the purchase. I'm indeed very satisfied.

While I'm talking about Obsidian, by the way, I was speaking to one of our interns this week and she told me she was starting to feel a little overwhelmed by the amount of information she was having to deal with — everyone knows this can happen to anyone, after all. I was more than happy to point her to Obsidian. As we were talking via Microsoft Teams, I even shared my screen and showed her some of my work notes, their relationship and the magic of bi-directional links. Needless to say, she instantly fell in love with the tool. And I was glad I could help her with maybe solving an organization problem.

It is only October and I'm already 90% done with my 2024 reading goal. I've read 18 out of 20 books so far this year, most of them fiction, as it's what I prefer reading. I'm surprised with being so ahead of the performance I usually have this year — as normally I only complete the challenge in December — but I believe it must be exactly because this year I've decided to pick more fiction books, and stories that I'm actually enjoying to read, and you know, this makes quite a difference.

For instance, I mentioned the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld in my weeknotes before. It's a series of young adult books written in such a way that I feel the story flowing with no difficulties. So much so that I'm currently reading its fourth (and final) book right now, and I'll have completed 19 books read once I'm done. After starting it last September 30, I'm already 75% done with it, and I'll use this weekend to get even farther.

We've started Ted Lasso's third and final season this week, after binge watching the two first seasons very quickly. I love this show's characters and the mix of situations it presents. It's no wonder it is considered to be one of the most successful Apple TV series to go on air. Ted's character, portrayed by Jason Sudeikis, is very likable and well spirited. His good humor and positivity are very contagious, and the remaining characters are, for the most part, likable and relatable as well.

If we keep our binge rhythm, I believe this week we'll reach the final episode of the story so far. I was very pleased to learn it is reportedly confirmed a fourth season is in the works, as it seems there's a lot of stories to be told, yet. This can only make fans like me happy, right? According to the link above, pre-productions will start by January, 2025. Go Richmond!

Tomorrow will be a national elections day here in Brazil, as the population will vote to choose new town councillors and mayors all around the country. Voting here is mandatory — something I personally believe should be changed, but am almost 100% sure will not be changed so soon in this country — and I have always voted choosing my candidates, never voting blank or null (one of the rights voters have).

This year, specifically, I've already got a chosen councillor to vote for. But I'm still deciding on who to vote for mayor. Among other candidates, the current mayor and a former mayor are running for the office, but I don't personally want to vote for either of them.

It is quite a strange sensation for me not to know who to vote for so late. I mean, there has been so much polarization and so many fake news reported that it just drains my energy to even think about giving my vote to these fellows. So much so I'm even considering, for the first time in my electoral life, to vote for none, and choose blank instead — although it makes remember my father's words, as he's always said voting null or blank is casting your vote away. But... what else should one do if he doesn't quite agree with any of the options?

#english #weeknotes