Daniel Santos

Dark mode is the new black

Or, how I fell in love with it.

I never saw it coming. Little by little, I just changed all the apps I use to dark mode, be it Windows Explorer, be it any of my favorite iPhone apps. It was just a matter of availability. "Oh, you've (finally) made dark mode available for us, users? Got it", I usually thought.

I've been a computer (and mobile) user for quite some time now. Many years. Enough to be able to say that clear, white-ish interfaces make my eyes soar. It is then undeniable, for me at least, to say that the dark mode feature came in handy. It makes me feel comfortable, it makes me feel nice and in peace with myself. The low contrast, the true black. It is charming. It is infatuating.

Yes. I guess this is a tribute to dark mode. That's what it is. I never saw it coming, this love.

Till the day when I entered a meeting and, during the smalltalk that usually happens before it starts, a friend told me she was arguing with the other participants, saying "people our age" (as she and me are almost the same) "prefer to use the phone in light, traditional mode".

That's when I told her I didn't think so and, to make a point, showed her my iPhone screen and the dark mode.

I know she almost made a facepalm then. She got disappointed. But making her feel that way was nothing to me, compared to the continued bliss of using the dark mode.
